Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Victoria Williams: 0048

Nowadays I like to comb my hair perfectly straight and have people address me as Miss Williams. I have been known to wear a tie. In the mornings (don’t even ask how I spent my mornings before all this) I get up, make black coffee and drink it while I deal with my correspondence. I smoke a well-known brand of cigarettes – mainly for show – and my typing is fast, lucid and error-free. Why isn’t all this making me happy?

Later: I just don’t think there is room in my life for David Bowie anymore, and that may be the key… I’ve been thinking carefully, and I’d quite like to have my hair cut short and spiky and dyed red – and thus renounce all structures and conventions of my current lifestyle. But I don’t trust hairdressers and it won’t be easy to find one who’ll understand this very special request.