Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Victoria Williams: 0067

I was too tired to explain earlier, but I’ll try now:

Woke up yesterday with sore head and sore back and hallucinations all morning – which makes it sound like I had a good night but I just don’t know. Here’s what then happened: I ate some suspicious breakfast cereal and started driving to work. There is mist everywhere. Everywhere is misty. White, practically opaque mist. I can’t exaggerate this mist enough – yes, it was like a blanket.

And the further I go the more I forget about where I am, where I’m going. Things start to appear, such as: dark, deep lake spreading itself across the road in front of me, and illuminated cyclist, who is peddling forwards but seems to be moving backwards towards my bonnet. Honestly, if there is some sort of afterlife, this must be the journey you undertake to prove your worthiness of it. Throughout all of these visions I just closed my eyes and took them as a test of faith and drove right on through.

So eventually and in the end, I’m very disappointed to find myself parking the car at work, and going in and toiling through the day until the mist clears and nothing further happens.